Tips to save at the grocery store

Shoppers at a grocery store.
The supermarket is a major pressure point for all Queenslanders, with the price of food and other groceries dramatically increasing over recent years.

The Queensland Government is working with big supermarkets to keep prices fair and ensure that every household can afford to put food on the table, especially fresh Queensland produce.

There are also simple things you can do to help lower the cost of your grocery shop and put money back into your pocket.

Preparation and planning

Use a weekly meal plan when writing your shopping list.  Be sure to include lunches and snacks, meals that leave leftovers and consider vegetarian meals some nights.

Shop online to avoid temptation. You can also easily track spending as you go and stay within budget.

Filling your trolley

Start with the specials, always comparing the unit price (under the main price). It also pays not to be a brand snob and consider others, including generic brands.

Fresh vegetables and fruit are great, but always buy them when in season and remember that frozen or canned options are also nutritious and often cost less.

When it comes to meat, try and buy at the end of the day as it’s often marked down. Local or wholesale butchers are also great options if you have a large family to feed and plenty of freezer space.

Go big and buy in bulk. You can save money on pantry staples like rice, pasta and flour, as well as cleaning products if they’re on sale.
